Some Things You Should Do With Your Yard Before Winter Shows Up
The fall season is an essential time for yard maintenance because the autumn establishes how well it comes back in the spring. Carry out these important yard-care recommendations and you will have the best lawn in the neighborhood come spring. Wipeout Weeds Broadleaf weeds grow promptly because of the ability to capture water and quickly go to seed. This makes fall the very best for weed killing. Remove Leaves I would suggest clearing all the leaves around your house. Leaf's hold moisture from rains and morning dew. The additional moisture suffocates your yard and breeds fungal diseases. Cut Your Grass Many homeowners presume that with colder weather comes a declination in the growth of grass. Continue mowing and trimming your yard as necessary to keep it healthier in the fall. I suggest cutting your grass short during this season because less sunlight reaches the soil. Aerate the Soil Autumn is the ideal time of year to aerate the soil on your property. Yo...